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Touch Project for 3D Design, 2018

"Pain was the punishment for wrongdoing in the Garden of Eden. Pain was the price one paid for not being morally perfect. Pain was a self-affliction brought about by sexual repression. Pain was dished out by vengeful gods, or was the result of falling out of harmony with nature." -Pain, by Diane Ackerman

The first image inspired by the writing of Diane Ackerman came to mind after reader the section on pain within the touch chapter. I was inspired by the way people associate pain with punishment and how some individuals inflict pain upon others for personal enjoyment. For this image I painted deep tissue bruising on my models back and had her pose in a way that gives the feeling that this experience is not uncommon to her. I wanted this image to give the appearance of an abusive relationship and evoke a sense of pain and discomfort to the viewer. 

touch 1.jpg

The State of Feeling, Photograph, 5"x 7"

"The tiny ridges in our fingertips, whose roughness makes it easier for us to grasp objects, are randomly formed, resulting in the unique swirling weather systems we call "fingerprints" - The hand, by Diane Ackerman.

The hand is used most in touch sensations, our hands are used to experience feelings the other senses cant. This image was inspired by the movement our hands can create and the warmth of touch. We often use our hands to test the heat coming off an object before we fully touch it. Each hand is designed the same way but each one is different, the folds and creases of our skin are unique for each person. 



Landscape of Feeling, Photograph, 5"x 7" 

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